Updated 2/2/2017
This is a comprehensive list of the methods available to theme templates as Liquid variables from property pages. To use these within the infinite scroll template on the properties index page, they will need to be added to the _properties_list.ljson file.
Returns: The url for the property’s audio tour as a string, if it has one.
Returns: The total acreage of the property, as an integer.
Returns: The total acreage of the property, as a float.
Returns: The full property address as a string, with the lines separated by commas.
Returns: A random staff member from those associated with the property.
Returns: An array of staff members associated with the property.
Returns: An array of staff members associated with the property who have avatar images.
Returns: A random staff member from those associated with the property who have avatar images.
Returns: A random staff member from those associated with the property who are contactable for sales.
Returns: An array of staff members associated with the property who are contactable for sales.
Returns: A random staff member from those associated with the property who are contactable for lettings.
Returns: An array of staff members associated with the property who are contactable for lettings.
Returns: If supplied, the date the property is available.
Returns: An integer for number of bathrooms that sometimes comes in as zero or empty so needs to be checked.
Returns: Return the associated branch for the property as a BranchDrop.
Returns: the name of the associated branch as a string.
Returns: the associated branch’s url label (the last part of the url for linking to a branch).
Returns: the associated branch’s ID.
Returns: An integer for bedroom count that sometimes comes in as zero or empty so needs to be checked.
Returns: A string of the number of bedrooms followed by the correctly pluralized word. e.g “1 bedroom” / “2 bedrooms”
Returns: This for loop would output all the brochures supplied.
Example use:
{% for brochure in property.brochures %}
<li><a href="{{ brochure | url_for_property_asset }}">Download brochure</a></li>
{% endfor %}
Returns: The name of the property’s building, if it has one.
Returns: the property’s child properties, if it has any.
Returns: The property’s county.
Returns: The number of days the property has been available.
Returns: The property’s full description (short + long if the short description is not taken from the long description).
Returns: This for loop would output all the EPC charts supplied.
Example use:
{% for epc_chart in property.epc_charts %}
{% if forloop.first %}
<a href="{{ epc_chart | url_for_property_asset }}">
{% if property.epc_charts.size == 1 %}
View EPC chart
{% else %}
View EPC charts
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<a href="{{ epc_chart | url_for_property_asset }}" style="display:none"></a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Returns: the url for the property’s first external link.
Returns: A list of property features that can be displayed as bullet points.
Returns: The collection of floor plans. This loop could output the floor plans to a light box e.g Fancybox, Colorbox, etc.
Example use:
{% for floorplan in property.floorplans %}
{% if forloop.first %}
<a href="http://mr0.homeflow-assets.co.uk/{{ floorplan.image }}" title="Floor plan">
{% if property.floorplans.size == 1 %}
View floor plan
{% else %}
View floor plans
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<a href="http://mr0.homeflow-assets.co.uk/{{ floorplan.image }}" style="display:none;" title="Floor plan"></a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Returns: A boolean value for whether the property has an audio tour.
Returns: A boolean value for whether the property has an external link.
Returns: A boolean value for whether the property has a video.
Returns: A boolean value for whether the property has a virtual tour.
Returns: an array of high resolution photos for the property, if available.
Returns: An array of home reports for the property, if there are any.
Returns: EPC charts that are images.
Returns: The investment yield for the property, if available (defaults to 0).
Returns: a boolean value for whether the property’s tags contains ‘auction’
Returns: a boolean value for whether the property’s tags contains ‘commercial’
Returns: a boolean value for whether the property’s tags contains ‘new homes’
Returns: A Boolean if the property is a short let property
Returns: a boolean value for whether the property’s tags contains ‘premium’
Returns: The body of a content chunk named ‘lettings_fee_text’ if it exists and the property’s primary channel is lettings.
Returns: Any links for the property.
Returns: the long description for the property.
Returns: the typical repayment according to the mortgage advice bureau.
Returns: the property’s first photo.
Returns: the property’s nearest location, as a LocationDrop.
Returns: The nodes for the property, if there are any.
Returns: an array of the photos for the property.
Returns: the property’s price.
Returns: the property’s price without the ‘£’ or any preceding qualified like ‘Offers in the region of’.
Returns: ‘sales’ or ‘lettings’
Returns: The agent’s supplied property reference.
Returns: The type of property as a string (‘house’, ‘flat’ etc)
Returns: The property’s description, with any HTML tags stripped out.
Returns: The property’s short description, with any HTML tags stripped out.
Returns: A numerical figure that sometimes comes in as zero or empty so needs to be checked.
Returns: The property’s rent calculated for one week.
Returns: The property’s road name.
Returns: a short description for the property, if it has one.
Returns: The short description, if it has one. Otherwise, the long description.
Returns: The total area of the property, in square feet.
Returns: An array of the tags set for the property.
Returns: A slug for the property - using bedrooms, type, road name and postcode and joined with hyphens.
Returns: Homeflow is able to generate recorded telephone numbers for properties. Doing a check on this drop can see whether one is available.
Returns: The url for the property’s first video, if it has one (as a string).
Returns: the url for the property’s virtual tour, if it has one (as a string).