User Profile


HomeflowJS includes a default user profile modal to allow users to register, sign in, and manage their saved properties and searches. It has a fixed layout, but can be styled to fit the theme using CSS.

To include it, simply pass withUserProfile as a prop to the Modal component:

import { Modal } from 'homeflowjs';
<Modal withUserProfile />

This will create routes to render the below modal for any fragment identifier beginning with #/user.

Default user profile

See the section on modals for more info.

The default user profile modal can be customised using CSS, but if you need more flexibility in creating user profile elements, you can use the components below.


Wraps all fields of your register form and handles validation and creation of new user on submit.

import { UserRegisterForm } from 'homeflowjs/user';
const RegisterForm = () => (
{/* user fields and other JSX goes here */}
<button type="submit">Register</button>


Creates an input for creating or editing a user field.

import { UserRegisterForm, UserInput } from 'homeflowjs/user';
const RegisterForm = () => (
<UserInput name="first_name" />
<UserInput name="last_name" />
<UserInput name="email" required />
<UserInput name="password" required />
<UserInput name="password_confirmation" required />
<button type="submit">Register</button>


Anti-spam honeypot that can be placed anywhere within the <UserRegisterForm>. Read more about honeypots in this Confluence document for further information.

import { UserRegisterForm, UserInput, UserHoneypot } from 'homeflowjs/user';
const RegisterForm = () => (
{/* honeypot */}
<UserHoneypot />
{/* honeypot */}
<UserInput name="first_name" />
<UserInput name="last_name" />
<button type="submit">Register</button>


Form for logging a user in. Should be used with SignInInput components.

import { UserSignInForm, SignInInput } from 'homeflowjs/user';
const SignInForm = () => (
<SignInInput name="email" required />
<SignInInput name="password" required />
<button type="submit">Sign In</button>


Form to allow a user to edit their profile.

import { UserEditForm, UserInput } from 'homeflowjs/user';
const SignInForm = () => (
<UserInput name="first_name" />
<UserInput name="last_name" />
{/* etc */}
<button type="submit">Update</button>


Form allowing the user to reset their password.

import { ForgottenPasswordForm } from 'homeflowjs/user';
<ForgottenPasswordForm />


inputClassStringCustom class for the email input
buttonClassStringCustom class for the submit button


Form allowing the user to change their marketing preferences.

import { MarketingPreferencesForm } from 'homeflowjs/user';
<MarketingPreferencesForm />


buttonClassStringCustom class for the submit button
buttonSpanClassStringCustom class for the span in submit button
strictBooleanfalse (default): render radio with span, true: render radio with label


Button for signing out the user and finishing the session. Includes notification if success or error.

import { SignOutButton } from 'homeflowjs/user';
<SignOutButton pushHistory reload>
Sign Out


childrenElement or stringText or element inside the button - is required
pushHistoryBooleanPush history to / after successfull sign out. Default: false
reloadBooleanReload page after successfull sign out. Default: false