
Ensure this liquid partial is included at the top of the <head> element on every page.

{% include 'homeflow_core/startup' %}

This partial includes some JavaScript which creates a global Homeflow object that can be used to set per-agent configuration to be used by in-theme JavaScript code. As much of an agent's preferences and settings are exposed as liquid variables, you can use inline JS inside liquid templates to assign these to Homeflow configuration using Homeflow.set.

Homeflow.set('lettings_prices', {{ company.lettings_price_range_monthly | yaml_safe }});

This setting could then be accessed from inside your JavaScript files like this:

const lettingsPrices = Homeflow.get('lettings_prices');

For more complex data, use our include_as_json liquid tag. First create a file (which should start with an _) with the extension .ljson, for example, _home_carousel_items.ljson. Contrary to what you may expect from the extension, this should actually be a YAML file containing liquid, which will set out the format in which your JSON data should be created.

The _home_carousel_items.ljson file might look like this:

{% for item in agency.carousel_items %}
linkUrl: {{ item.link_url }}
imageLarge: {{ item.image | url_for_generic_image: "1920x_" }}
imageMedium: {{ item.image | url_for_generic_image: "720x_" }}
imageSmall: {{ item.image | url_for_generic_image: "414x_" }}
title: {{ item.title | yaml_safe }}
standfirst: {{ item.standfirst | yaml_safe }}
{% endfor %}

This will create an array of carousel items with the properties you have defined. Please note the use of the yaml_safe filter, which should be used on all strings to ensure unsafe characters are escaped properly.

You can then set this using include_as_json (let's imagine the _home_carousel_items.ljson is in a directory called data to keep things organised):

Homeflow.set('carousel_items', {% include_as_json data/home_carousel_items %})

Using this technique you can construct complex structures from Liquid code ready to be used by your front-end.


For compatibility with older themes, Ctesius.addConfig and Ctesius.getConfig are available as aliases to Homeflow.set and Homeflow.get (although new themes should only use the new Homeflow object).

You should also add this partial to the bottom of the <body> element on every page:

{% include 'homeflow_core/body %}

This contains things like custom styles loaded from the agent's admin area.


hfInitialize is a function that must be called as early as possible in each entry point. We suggest placing this at the top of a global.jsx file to be imported into each entry bundle.

// global.jsx
import { hfInitialize } from 'homeflowjs';

This function will attach some additional methods to give you low-level access to various state. See the section on Redux for more detail.